
案例分析:過馬路被車撞 法庭裁定司機疏忽 獲賠償$ 137萬

案件編號:HCPI 755/2013



主審法官:Deputy High Court Judge Wilson Chan in Court

判案書日期 :17 October 2014

個案:This case concerns the plaintiff’s claim for damages for personal injuries suffered as a result of a traffic accident which happened at around 9:00 am on 19 January 2011, when the defendant was driving his private vehicle HP 3173 (“the Vehicle”) from Hong Keung Street towards Shung Ling Street and collided with the plaintiff, who was crossing Hong Keung Street in front of the Vehicle from the defendant’s left to right (“the Accident”).

On 27 April 2011, the defendant was convicted of the offence of careless driving upon a guilty plea at the Kowloon City Magistracy in relation to the Accident.

In paragraph 2 of the defendant’s Written Opening dated 22 July 2014, the defendant made clear that liability would be contested only to the extent that the plaintiff should bear half of the blame for the Accident – ie 50% contributory negligence.

In other words, primary negligence on the part of the defendant is conceded but the plaintiff should bear half of the blame for the way she crossed the road.

The Court held that the plaintiff should not bear any responsibility for the Accident and there was no contributory negligence on her part.


  1. 被告車撞到原告, 被告被原告民事索償,訴訟緣由為疏忽駕駛車輛
  2. 被告指出,原告應承擔事故的一半責任(即50%的共同過失)
  3. 法庭審視證據後,裁定原告不需對事故承擔任何責任,並且她沒有任何過失責任。


Born in 1974 and aged 36 at the time of the Accident.

the plaintiff opened a hair salon (“the Salon”) in the San Po Kong area.  The plaintiff hired 1 to 2 staff to run the Salon, and she worked from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for six days per week before the Accident happened



  1. Immediately after the Accident, the plaintiff was admitted to the Accident and Emergency ward of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.  X‑ray examination showed fracture of the pubic ramus superior and inferior.  Further examinations showed decreased range of motion of the right hip, with pelvis stable but left hip axial painful. 原告被撞至骨裂,股骨位置痛楚及活動範圍限制
  • The plaintiff was hospitalized for nine days and had been treated at the Intensive Care Unit for around three days.  No surgery was done.  She was treated conservatively. 原告人住院9日,其中3日在ICU深切治療部留醫,無需進行手術,原告人的傷勢以保守方式治療
  • the plaintiff was on wheelchair.  She was taught walking exercise with frame during hospitalization. 原告人意外後需坐輪椅,後來住院期間進行康復訓練以拐杖行路
  • the plaintiff underwent four sessions of physiotherapy at the Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital. 原告人在聖母醫院進行了4次物理治療
  • The plaintiff attended a further 12 sessions of physiotherapy at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital from July to September 2011. As at 11 August 2011, the plaintiff reported a 50% improvement of her condition.
    原告人在伊麗莎伯醫院進行了12次物理治療 ,身體機能獲得了50%改善
  • the plaintiff reported an overall improvement of 80‑90%, but still complained of left hip pain on prolonged standing, walking and sitting. 原告人整體身體機能獲得了80-90%改善,但依然表示左邊股骨位置在長期站立,走路,及坐下時會感到痛楚



項目 賠償額  
(1) PSLA 150,000.00
(2) Pre‑trial Loss of Earnings  1,195,840.00
(3) Post‑trial Loss of Earnings 0
(4) Loss of earning capacity 0
(5) Special damages 24,170.00
  總計 $ 1,370,010.00
以上案例對你的個案有用嗎? 可參閱更多 香港交通意外索償案例香港刑事案件處理方式
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